A Long Time Coming

Three years ago we launched Grey Bandit with the idea in mind to raise awareness for something that is close to our hearts: mental health and mental illness. In our first few months in business, we attempted to create an online forum to open up the discussion.  We later disassembled that forum, realizing that there were too many glitches. We had every intention of creating a blog to go along with our website so that our mission can run through the veins of Grey Bandit and be heard; but life got in the way.  It’s funny how that happens; but better late than never, right? Here we are now, diving into our next important endeavor. 

We aren’t the most confident writers, but we do have experiences that we hope you can connect with. We hope you join us on our journeys of self discovery and self love. Our paths aren’t always easy, but knowing that we are not alone in this world brings comfort to us. We hope we can bring that same comfort to you. You are seen, you are heard, and you are loved.


The Why Behind Ride The Wave